Francis, US bishops and defending Communion from political manipulation
Just as the true meaning of the Eucharist needs to be defended from those who would use it for publicity, it needs to be defended from those who would use it to divide the worthy from the unworthy.
Mercy on our lawns
Nothing says spring like the sound of polluting petrol mowers hammering nascent gardens into pristine striped carpets devoid of insects or mammals.
El pensamiento de Francisco en Soñemos Juntos
Presentación del historiador, escritor y periodista Austen Ivereigh en el Seminario, realizada el 12 de Abril del 2021.
A Time of Great Uncertainty
Toward the end of March I suggested to Pope Francis that this might be a good moment to address the English-speaking world: the pandemic that had so affected Italy and Spain was now reaching the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia. Without promising anything, he asked me to send some questions.
A Welcome Interruption
A new book by John Cornwell describes the welcome interruption of Francis’s papacy.
On Papal Populism
Pope Francis’s new book offers a vision for a politics rooted in solidarity.
When soil smells sweet
In all the discussions about “building back greener” it is easy to overlook what is happening under our feet.
‘Come and See’: The encounter that becomes news
An experienced Vatican journalist texted me when the Pope’s World Communications Day message was released over the weekend. She was bowled over by it and wanted to know if I knew who had had a hand in it (I didn’t). “This message is just so much more concrete, real, and knowledgeable about the business,” my friend wrote. “It’s not just pious platitudes.”
Pope Francis, Fake News, and Post-Truth Journalism
My Christmas was odd, and not just because of lockdown. After three weeks launching Let Us Dream, Pope Francis’s remarkable book on the pandemic that I helped him put together, I was quoted in a UK tabloid news site forecasting his impending resignation.
Biógrafo del Papa Francisco, Austen Ivereigh, en entrevista con Erwin Pérez
Austen es británico, pero habla un perfecto español; es un erudito sobre el tema de la Iglesia Católica y se expresa con gran claridad y calidez. Colaboró con el Papa en la redacción de su más reciente libro, "Soñemos juntos", a la venta en varios idiomas.
After Boris gets Brexit done, what’s next for Britain?
Combining an appetite for power with ideological vagueness and counterintuitive alliances, the world’s most successful election-winning machine has done it again.
The Pope's miraculous well
Because I was noisily flail-mowing a patch of ground prior to digging in the saplings at the end of November I didn’t see or hear my wife until she was dancing in front of me miming monosyllables: THE … POPE … ON … THE … PHONE.
Alexis Valdés Entrevista al Biógrafo del Papa
Alexis conversa con el escritor y periodista, Austen Ivereigh, quien ha escrito las biografías del Papa Francisco acerca del libro "Soñemos Juntos (Let Us Dream)" Donde aparece el poema "Esperanza", escrito por Alexis durante la pandemia.
Beyond the pandemic
In his new book Let Us Dream, the Pope shares a very personal vision of a fairer world in the aftermath of Covid. In one of the most moving passages, he describes coming to see that the call to live in friendship with God and our neighbour is inseparably bound up with care for our environment.
Read: An exclusive essay by Pope Francis on a ‘personal Covid,’ his exile in Argentina
In his new book, “Let Us Dream,” Pope Francis describes his three “personal Covids”: times in his life when circumstances have forced him to stop, reflect and, sometimes, change course.
Writing with Pope Francis
Austen Ivereigh joined "Inside the Vatican" host Colleen Dulle to discuss his collaboration with Pope Francis on the new book "Let Us Dream”.
Austen Ivereigh discusses Pope Francis' vision for a post-Covid world
Pope Francis has set out his vision for a post-Covid world in a new book with a strong focus on social, economic and political issues. Let Us Dream is written in conversation with Austen Ivereigh, the papal biographer and a former deputy editor of The Tablet. Here, Austen talks about some of the ideas in the book, and their possible impact.
Our guide to the future: Pope Francis' Covid-19 challenge
This might have been the year when Pope Francis would have seen his work completed. Instead, Covid-19 pitched the world into turmoil and darkness, with its future in the balance, and gave its most prominent spiritual leader his greatest challenge – and opportunity.